CERGAS Webinar, joint with Dondena, “Health and Income inequality aversion after a health and income shock: Evidence from Covid-19"

A globo with video


We study whether individual aversion to health and income inequality has been altered as a result to the exposure to both the health and employment shock of the covid-19 pandemic in the UK, Italy and Germany (that differ in both the proximity to risk and direct exposure at the regional level). Furthermore, we compare the 2020 sample   with the 2016 sample of the UK to understand whether there have been changes in inequality preferences during the period. COVID-19 has given rise to both direct effects both on health and indirect effects on employment and income (redundancies, government replacement salary and unemployment). We specifically study the effect of personal shocks affecting employment, income and health which are directly linked to covid-19. We estimate measured of inequality aversion conditioned on individual’s health needs, the perceived probability of infection as well as individual’s income and their risk aversion.

Webinar link: https://zoom.us/j/92825966612?pwd=ZmV4NFI4bnRJME1oeWQycm1qMzA3QT09

Meeting ID: 928 2596 6612

Passcode: 039401

Information about the speaker: Joan Costa Font , London School of Economics, bio

For information please contact cergas@unibocconi.it